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Cohousing Prescription

Writer's picture: Alex RaskyAlex Rasky

Updated: Apr 11, 2018

As we've discussed throughout the semester, isolation is a public health epidemic in the United States. A study done in 2015 at BYU shows an increased chance of premature death for those living isolation. Meghna and I have focused our studio project on designing a campus that creates opportunity for social interaction through density and adjacencies. At a smaller scale, many people believe that cohousing is an opportunity to solve the isolation epidemic in America. The Cohousing Association of The United States defines cohousing as, "an intentional community of private homes clustered around shared space". Shared spaces will often include a kitchen, dining space, outdoor garden, and recreational space.

Capitol Hill Urban Cohousing Seattle, WA, by Schmeta Workshop

In a recent TED talk, Grace Kim, founding principal of Schemata Workshop spoke about the importance of cohousing to the well-being of residents. Grace's and her firm are advocates for cohousing, and have successfully designed and built 2 cohousing communities. In her talk, Grace stressed intention as the core concept behind cohousing. Grace lives in one of the cohousing communities that she designed called Capitol Hill Urban Cohousing. She admits that it's not all "sunshine and rainbows". Not everyone is best friends, there is often conflict. However, in their cohousing community they treat their relationships with great intention. When there is conflict they talk about it and resolve the situation. The key is that everyone in the community understands the value of their relationships for their well-being. Grace discusses the importance of "Communitas", which means the spirit of the community. She has done research looking at cohousing communities around the world looking at how often they eat meals together as a measurement of communitas. In Grace's cohousing building they have dinner together 3 times a week. They rotate which resident will be the head cook for the meal along with two helpers. The experience provides a set time for residents to connect with each other and often make plans together. Grace and the people at Schemata Workshop envision a future in which cohousing is viewed as an antidote for health concerns. Similar to a doctor prescribing an antibiotic for an illness, as an architect Grace believes in the prescription of cohousing.

The idea of cohousing is not a new concept. Denmark alone has over 700 cohousing communities while the US has only 160. Chicago currently has no cohousing options. The idea may also have financial benefits. If private living space can decrease in size while shared living space increases, a more affordable pricing model could be reached. I think that the young professional and senior market would be quite receptive to the idea. At this point, typical multi-family housing is feeding into the trend of social isolation. Shaking up that standard typology could see dynamic benefits.

Share House LT Josai, Nagoya, by Naruse Inokuma Architects

To see the cohousing building that Grace lives in and designed with her team:

For more on cohousing visit


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