It is a tragedy, continually seeing these mass shootings on the news. Losing our youth changes our future. So many are affected by the aftermath, but it is what we choose to do with it that can create better outcomes for our country's future. What does a healthcare studio have to do with this? It has everything to do with this.
We can learn from this occurring event; we can detect that mental illness is an issue to address. These mass shootings are caused by someone who is mentally ill. They are in need of help. Being able to catch this in time could save thousands of lives and families. I came across a NOW THIS video in which Representative Joe Kennedy III addressed the political issue at hand. He states 2 facts that we should all understand before going any further into the issue and poses a question.
1. Those who are suffering with mental illness are far more likely to be victims of crimes than
2. 22% of mass shootings were conducted by somebody suffering from mental illness
3. If republicans believe that this is the cause of mass shootings then why did they spend a year
trying to gut the biggest payer of mental healthcare in Medicaid?
This last point that is directed to our government electives, is one that carries a lot of depth. If we can see that mental is a serious issue that our country faces, then we as a country should fight it and resolve it. As Rep. Kennedy III states it, they put forth a bill that cut $800 billion from Medicaid. This would only diminish the program and areas of refuge and help that these people who are committing crimes that in-turn are destroying the stabilization of our country's people.
Not only are we dealing with mass shootings but we are dealing with gun violence all together. This is something that I have wrote on previously, that seems to be a large issue in Lawndale. As stated in the video, over 1,300 children are dying every year at the hand of a gun. Our future is dying. It is our job as a community to prevent that.
This is where our healthcare role comes in. In our design, Lena and I have moved our focus on how we can become apart of this community. How can we reach into the neighborhoods and establish resilience within as opposed to placing buildings in the area and assuming the community will seek us out. We plan to implement this idea of wellness on wheels that reaches into the community and seeks out its people to aid and revitalize. Establishing a presence on the streets and creating safety and refuge.
Video: Rep. Joe Kennedy & Now This