Doug King, a senior architect and principle of Stantec, gave us an excellent lecture on “Health Living Centers: Towards a designed population health management strategy”.
As Doug King mentioned, about 52% of the cost of healthcare is used for only 5% population, so what the society is trying to do is to keep the next 45% of population healthy and out of chronical conditions by using “Population health management”, which is by keeping people healthy to achieve the goal that to prevent and cure diseases.
Based on that, Doug King listed four goals of population health management: “Provide a forum for betterment of individual healthcare; Reduction in healthcare costs; Addressing impediments to seeking healthcare; Keep healthcare staff happy. ” These goals I think are really important to architects. How to design a more friendly and healthy workplace for staff working in healthcare facilities? How to design a better environment for patients to recover? How to design a hospital with a better-organized circulation to reduce the readmission rate? These are all issues for us to think about.
Another thing that interested me most is that education and zipcode determine what kind of healthcare you can get. This fact could really help us to have a better understanding of our design.