In a discussion with Architect Douglas King Principal at Stantec, on Healthy Living Centers, he shared with us his new business model of Population Health Management along with Kenneth Kizer, director of the Institute for Population Health Improvement at the University of California at Davis Health System. The definition of Population Health Management was stated as “A systematic approach to healthcare that aims to prevent and cure diseases to keep people well”. With a few examples of the other factors outside the hospital – one of it being access to affordable healthcare by people who are hiding away from the laws, King explained us how Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC’s) like Heartland Health Center on Devon street in Chicago, IL. offer primary care and mental health care to people regardless of immigration status, uninsured and even undocumented immigrants.
In these centers, the treatment of complex disease or injury, however, is generally not available to uninsured or undocumented immigrants. Clearly, the face limited healthcare options. Are these immigrants a burden on the US healthcare system? Out of curiosity, I ended up reading on this issue. Let’s have a non emotional point of view about the undocumented immigrants. As per a research conducted by the Howard Medical college shows that they are not a burden and in fact, the taxes that they end up paying due to most of their jobs are at the same rate as anyone in their income bracket. They are also able to own property, so they often even pay property taxes in this city. They are contributing more to the economy.
For decades, the United States has struggled to deal with the health care needs of its undocumented immigrants mainly through emergency room care and community health centers. Unfortunately, the undocumented population is aging and developing the same health problems that plague other senior citizens. Most undocumented adults lack health insurance, and even though they’re guaranteed emergency care, they often can’t get treated for chronic issues such as high blood pressure.
On this issue some believe that the policy solution for illegals is to enforce the law and encourage them to return home, thereby avoiding the problem. While the rest say that healthcare should be provided because it’s humane, and it’s their responsibility to take care of them! But the question still remains –
Where Do Undocumented Immigrants Go for Medical Care?