After a discussion with Mr. Erik Andersen, at Forum Studio and with a small discussion with Professor William Worn, we came to an Understanding of On and Off stage Design in Healthcare on Thursday.
"What is On-Stage/Off-Stage design? In a hospital setting, On-Stage/Off-Stage design refers to a shift towards client comfort and efficiency, where patients and family members are exposed to the waiting area and the exam rooms in clinics, and the “behind the scenes” areas of the clinic are kept away from both sight and foot traffic. Patients wait in a designated waiting area, not unlike the conventional linear design, but then are taken to an exam room without having to walk through hallways that hospital staff use. Hospital staff, instead, uses hallways, meeting rooms, and collaborative spaces that are not visible to the public." (Jeannie Cullen-Schultz On October 19, 2016)
We have friends and family who have wild thoughts running in their mind when passing through a hallway. It is some horror movie they watched when they were young or that they dare to watch the previous night.Hallways with lack of Natural lighting tend to do that to several people. We see most of the hospital circulation that works that with corridors since that was the way the colonizers taught us to organised rooms. They failed to teach us design and we were gaining mastery of organization skills over the years they left us.

With Off stage design concept, this typical non ventilated hallways always hungry for artificial lighting can be avoided and the work space for the employees at the hospital could be designed based on user experience too while improving patient experience simultaneously. We could also explore innovative ways of combining non linear hallway spaces with way finding to achieve better results for the future.